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Current Research Problems of Polish Education

Joanna ed. Wierzeja, Oresta ed. Karpenko, Franczak Renata ed.

Stron: 258
ISBN: 9788377849521


Pedagogy is a discipline of theoretical and - above all - practical knowledge. This monograph contains both the first as well as the second approach concerning current research problems of Polish education in the field of labour pedagogy, special pedagogy, and social pedagogy. This tripartite division was used to organize the layout of this publication since it was divided into three separate parts. The first one refers to vocational training and labour market. In the second part there were published articles which touch upon the functioning of people with special needs. The third and final part of the book is devoted to the issue of selected social problems. Each of these parts constitutes a collection of papers from a given thematic scope. [From the review of dr hab. Sławomir Sobczak]